The Importance of DSA/Big-O
DS&A & Big-O are important -- Not just because they can land you that high six-figure job, but because they are fundamental to the performance limits of our application.
<Talk about the business value of increasing performance, maybe connect to the amount of time it takes to run serverless functions --- oh maybe I could even make a demo of this> (but maybe just local for simplicity, just refer to the price list for cost)
<Rework these thought or remove>
Ok, so that's just money right.. and well what if we are writing code that's part of a oncology AI pipleline
## My History
<Story about the scraping thing I was writing and I first did it in a N-squared approah (but i did it that way for readability, and then when running over like 20k elements the perofrmance diff was obvious (400M operations compared to 20k-4M operations at worst))>
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