🗃️ Bioinformatics
1 item
🗃️ Docusaurus
3 items
🗃️ Git
1 item
Your approach to locating the frontMatterHelper.json configuration file by recursively searching parent directories until the project root is identified aligns well with common practices for tools operating within specific project structures, like Docusaurus. This method ensures flexibility and convenience for users, as it abstracts away the need to specify configuration paths manually, making the tool more intuitive to use. Here's a breakdown of how you might implement this functionality, along with considerations regarding the persistence of the config file location:
🗃️ PostgreSQL
4 items
📄️ A Couple of Architectural Approaches: Emergent vs. Documentation-Driven Development
When building projects—especially smaller ones like CLIs—I’ve experimented with various architectural approaches. Two key strategies stand out to me:
🗃️ Unity
1 item
🗃️ Unreal
1 item
📄️ Create Your Own Code Snippet in VS Code
In my docusaurus projct I knew that I wanted front matter
When building mini projects, I often end up writing my own test framework. Here's why: